Only the user who asked this question will see who disagreed with this answer. See a translation Or something like that, when ending letters and such Report copyright infringement Answers Close When you 'disagree' with an answer. Whether you're a beginner or an expert in the Japanese Language, our index of resources might come in handy. How do you say this in Japanese best regards x. With that, remember that answers you receive are never guaranteed to be 100% correct. Try to answer questions within your knowledge of the subject.
Creators wishing to promote their own content (no kana apps) must contact the mods with link to their post/content for approval. This also includes general questions about onyomi/kunyomi reading and memorization.ħ.

The following posts will usually result in removal:
In business correspondence, Kind regards is a professional and appropriate way to end an email. It still communicates respect but intuits less of an established relationship. You might reserve it for introductory, outreach, or exploratory emails. No trolling, immature, or hostile behavior. Is Kind regards too formal Kind regards is a more formal variation of Best regards. No requests for or links to copyrighted material. Use furigana if you think they won't understand your kanji usage. Consider the OP's skill level when answering a question. State your question clearly in your post title 3.

Check if the question is addressed in wiki/search. Welcome to /r/LearnJapanese, the hub on Reddit for learners of the Japanese Language. Thank you for stopping by to talk with me the other day. Interested in moving to japan? Head over and make a post at /r/movingtojapan. Granted, youre probably not going to write in Japanese, but you can use. We are looking forward to the day when the spread of the COVID-19 settles down and we can meet again in person at better time.New to Japanese? New to the sub? Read the Wiki!

Poster Presentation: digital presentation (oral presentation in live is not required) Symposium / Video Symposium / Panel discussion / Workshop / Video Workshop/Oral Presentation: online presentation (designated date/time) We are more than happy to accept abstracts from overseas and bring active discussion during the congress period.

Having carefully reviewed the ongoing spread of COVID-19 and to avoid the spread of COVID-19 infection, 94JGCA will welcome overseas attendees via online and will hold the congress in hybrid style. We sincerely appreciate your continued support for the 94th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Gastric Cancer Association.